Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Alongside the fire......
A dance in a ballet shoe,

A book on a cold window sill,
Untouched, Unread...

A still sheet of Music,
Ruffled by my breath...

A piano, Dusty and Old,
Unplayed from years Unknown....

A Creaky, Old, Wooden Floorboard,
Bringing back memories of Shiny, Black Polished Shoes....

A Yellowing, Ancient Tablecloth, Lacey, and perfect,
Convincing me of Fairy tales and Princesses.....

A Wind chime sounding in the Room,
Now, I can Hear Your Flute......

A Rusty Old Lock,
That was Never meant to be opened....

A Clock still Ticking,
Thinking " How Long it has been"......

A Little Shiver Down My spine,
Reminding Me of the Past.....

A Rustle of the Curtain,
And your Sweeping Gown.....

A Musty, Old Bookshelf,
Oh.. the Books You've Read......

A Tingle Down My spine,
Reminding Me; You're Gone......

Alongside The Fire....I still Remember,
A Dance In a Red Ballet Shoe.........