Thursday, May 13, 2010


Ever since my childhood, i Loved Water... it somehow inspires me.
the way it shapes itself into any vessel..... it shows me how to adjust into any surroundings!
I used to have an aquarium... i loved it. It was my favourite passtime to gaze at the eight goldfishes and one black molly.... but what was surprising was that, Now when i recall those memories, that have pressed themselves like photographs in my memory; i remember that i was not really looking at the fishes... yeah they were graceful and all...
like God had made them to be, but i was looking at the water....the way the fishes CUT the water,to make way for themselves... the way the Water never got HURT, the way it willingly moved aside...
it did not allow itself to be hurt by anything. It just flowed....kept on flowing...
NO i would not say in a careless or carefree way... it did take care ... but took care of itself, in a way that it was not obvious.

I went to this lake.. once a long time ago, with my aunt uncle and two sisters.
it is called "Rammappa Kaluva" or something like that..yeah below is a photograph of it...(taken through the camera of my cellphone..hence, not so clear)

in this lake.. my sister, being naughty as always.. tried to throw a pebble into the calm depths of the peaceful lake,of course it would cause ripples...
i was , dont ask me why.. , kind of disgruntled.
Why should the girl throw a pebble? why ??!!!
oh why on earth would she want to disturb a peaceful soul?! far actually, that was what had passed in my mind. but it would look really foolish to stop the girl from having her fun!
she kept on throwing the stones...somehow she ENJOYED wreaking havoc in the peace of the waters!!
well... she is a kid, having her share of fun! :D i would not stop her!

Well... but at that moment, i understood, that how many ever fishes are under the water,it never shows...a FAINT ripple is caused..a FAINT one when a fish comes up and decides to peek its nose (if it has one)

Water has inspired me to be what i am... or what i HOPE i AM
and i also hopes it keeps inspiring me too :)

1 comment:

  1. You sound like fishes (pretty old for a Cancer-ian) :P

    Jokes apart - The complexity of this compromised state, makes it even more enchanting. But, if I read between your lines, right, the adaptability of water seems to fascinate you a lot.

    On the other hand, the several forms of diversity featured by water are from the calm droplets on our window pane to the destroying floods in Mumbai. From the freezed droplets to the suicidal deepness of the oceans.
