Friday, May 28, 2010

MOVE IT...Ms. Obstructive Personality!!

Dearest Miss. Obstructive Personality,
firstly....why do you want everything i want?
next.... why do you have to stop me from having it if there were multiple oppurtunities?
well.. i guess you just derive pleasure from it.. well thank you!!

thank you.. for blocking my personal SUN.. thank you .. for clouding my vision..and above all...thank you..for reminding me why i lost my trust in people! :)

yours gratefully
(someone.. who exists..for the love of nature,animals and drawing)


  1. Heyy
    Me checking your blog after quite some time because the link I had just couldn't get Me here x-(
    This post... is nice..
    But.. Who's this Ms. Obstructive Personality?! :O

  2. aah..?
    i sent you my new blog address when i made it!!
    u lost it!! :O :((
    Ms. Obstructive Personality, is a beautiful little girl,full of charm and sweetness under whose skin exists a devious devil, who wants to get every chance i want.
    maybe its just jealousy :P
    lol ( who would be of ME!! )

  3. This is did u win over Miss. Obstructive Personality? and did she succeed in taking away all that you want or did she learn a lesson? I believe truth, good and hard work wins at the end :) i hope u got what u want :)

    1. Aww. Thanks for the concern. She didn't learn her lesson. I didn't get what I wanted. But that was probably cause I gave up..
      In a way, I did win, though. Now that I think about it, I learnt how to give up something you really want and be the bigger person. :)

  4. Haha good and you seem to be a changed person now! 3 years changed a lot of things in you i guess!
