Sunday, October 4, 2009

A Few of My Drawings

this is one of my latest...

this one.... was MY style!! :)

( by the way , all the pictures i am displaying are of MY style !! :) hope you like them!! )


MY drawings!!!........MY wish!!!! :D

hello again. the old aditi is back now.. i have learnt that worrying about those exams is a waste. i hope i have not bored you in the past two or three entries. anyway! i'm back with a bang!! :D well thats partly because i began drawing again. i love shading. give me a book and a 6B pencil and i'll sit with it for hours. everything i like can be seen in my drawings.
i am ashamed to admit that i do not know how to draw humans .... but i also have to admit that i have no intrest to draw them. i however draw most things of nature. i know they are not very nice but looking at them makes me feel nice. i draw because i want to draw.
there was a poem - the frog and the nightingale, in our literature textbook. this had a lot of effect on me. i felt was it - "frog and ADITI" hahaha!..
well it was actually like that. my parents have taught me that critisicsm must be treated as the steps to success and i..... u know.. i'm a mad girl.... took critisicm seriously and i really tried to change my drawing style. this, did not give them the grace they had before. i learnt, draw when you want to. you know what? it is very hard to drwa when you dont want to.
you must be wondering, (i hope to have created atleast that much intrest) then what about those drwaings with the changed style then?... well i kept them safely. so, they remind me of the lesson i have learnt from them.
i must admit, they were good , but lacked the charm which I like. I draw for MY sake now!! :)
well anyway. in my next entry, i plan to show you my drawings and i sincerely hope you like them. well they really are not very nice .. but just have a look at them !! :)
ok then, keep smiling all of you! and things which you like to do, not what others want you to do.
here is one of my favourite one liners....
"you are not responsible for what people think about you , but you are responsible for what you give people to think about you. "

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Time = running out!! :(

THINGS i have never imagined could happen happened!.
i dont know... i did so badly in my maths paper of the 1st term exams. i managed quite well !!...but what!! imagine my astonishment when i saw my math answer sheet ..i was in the deepest of miseries!.. i hated myself. i tried to study more ..but how much ever i studied , i found the need to study more. there is this excellent text book of math written by R.D Sharma, i tried doing a few of those sums, and voila! not even one sum was right!..
i dont know what is going to happen to me in the board exams!!
i hope i can pass atleast. my dad told me to get above 95 % !.. n i'm trying..i only hope that my efforts will be fruitful!